Diving into the world of statics - from primary to secondary level

With the products Class Set Statics and STEM Statics

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More information about Class Set Statics

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Lesson plans for Class Set Statics

Lesson plans for Class Set Statics

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More information about STEM Statics

More information about STEM Statics

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Lesson plans for STEM Statics

Lesson plans for STEM Statics

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Topic Introduction
Curriculum requirements

Further information

  1. Hörner, Kaufmann, Statische Probleme bei Brücken, Türmen und Masten, fischertechnik Schulprogramm, ISBN 978-3141680089 (Static problems with bridges, towers and masts, fischertechnik school series)
  2. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baustatik#Abgrenzungen_und_Begriffe
  3. Tacitus, C., Annalen, Buch 4, Kap. 62/63, Reclams Universalbibliothek, 2013. Philip Reclam Jun.,Stuttgart. S 247 f147