The fischertechnik Training Factory 4.0 was used in combination with other simulation tools and a neural twin to simulate global production control processes. In a series of simulations on jam production, it was assumed that products are manufactured at four different production sites around the world, which have different IT systems (Grum 2024a; Grum 2024b). All processes were analysed, from the procurement of fruit to distribution to the customer. The fischertechnik Training Factory 4.0 was one of four networked haptic production stations. The process was simulated in the system, from storing the fruit and feeding it into the cooking machine for jam production to filling the jars and delivering the products. The haptic model was connected to a neural network (ANN - Artificial Neural Network). This allowed series of tests and experiments to be carried out that produced valid results and revealed production inefficiencies (Grum, 2024a). Furthermore, management interventions were derived from these that can avoid such inefficiencies (Grum, 2024b). Future research will therefore focus on the empirical testing of ANN instructions and corresponding management interventions that arise in real real-time productions.