Quality and sustainability at fischertechnik

When it comes to construction kits, our customers worldwide rely on the innovative products from fischertechnik. Based on the principles of our corporate philosophy, we inspire our clientele with products that are characterized by quality, performance, technical progress, user-friendliness and the best possible benefits. Through market-oriented product developments, continuous improvements in all areas as well as fault-free products and service-oriented services, fischertechnik has become a reliable manufacturer and partner worldwide.



Environmental protection
Technology and innovation
economic success
social responsibility
At fischertechnik, we see all of this as one of our learning processes for living, working and managing in harmony with nature.

Made in Germany

fischertechnik is an educational toy “Made in Germany,” and is developed and manufactured at the Waldachtal location in the Black Forest. Only a few individual components are purchased from outside the European Union. Our seal of approval is your guarantee of outstanding quality.

Toy safety

Ensuring our products help children play and learn is always a primary concern when we are developing our products - as is ensuring our toys are safe.

Processes and management system

Our processes are described in an integrated management system and are put into practice on a daily basis. Based on the management policy, corporate objectives are defined which are realized by means of the fischer process system.

