The immersive learning environment for Industry 4.0


Agile Production Simulation

The Agile Production Simulation and its digital twin are invaluable for education and training in the world of digitalization. Learners are offered the unique opportunity to penetrate the complex topics of Industry 4.0 and put them into practice, while at the same time acquiring the essential skills for the future.

Immerse yourself in the world of agile production and Industry 4.0 with the digital twin of the "Agile Production Simulation" from fischertechnik. This unique learning environment allows students and professionals to experience innovative production processes in a safe and interactive environment before implementing them in the real factory.

Ready for Future Learning?

Please note the minimum requirements for your system and software activation!

Download for Windows

Download for Linux

Download for MAC


To activate the software, a one-time connection via WLAN or LAN with the fischertechnik APS factory is required.

WLAN Connection:

  • Find the SSID of the WLAN network in your documentation.
  • Connect your computer to this network.
  • Ensure that the APS factory is turned on.

Alternative LAN Connection:

  • Use an Ethernet cable to establish a direct connection between your computer and the APS factory.
  • Connect the other end of the cable to the Ethernet port of your computer where the application has been installed.
  • Ensure that the facility is turned on.

Activating the Application:

  • Launch the ft Digital Learning Platform application.
  • Check the start screen. There should be a message indicating that the application has been activated and is connected to the APS (APS status shown in green at the bottom).

Minimum Requirements

For an interactive 3D environment, similar to a computer game, powerful computers are required. Here are some examples of minimum hardware requirements:

Graphics Card:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX1070/Quadro P500 or better, AMD Radeon Vega 56/Pro WX7/Fire Pro W9100 or better;

Processor (CPU):
Intel Core i5 / AMD Ryzen 5 processor or better;

Memory (RAM):
At least 4 GB RAM;

Operating System:
The current version is compatible with Windows and Linux operating systems;

File Size:
~300 MB;

Current Version:

Available in English and German.
