The APS Add On: Automated Guided Vehicle extends the Agile Production Simulation (APS) with an additional Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV). This is responsible for intralogistics within APS and enables
agile and fl exible processes. The additional AGV signifi cantly increases the possibilities of intralogistics. Parallelisation and prioritisationin the production workfl ow can be planned, tested and experienced.At the same time, the complexity of logistics processes increases.
The Automated Guided Vehicle uses ultrasonic sensors, line sensors,push buttons and a phototransistor to orientate itself within the AgileProduction Simulation.
The Mecanum Omniwheels enable multidirectional driving and therefore space-saving and effective transportof workpieces within the Agile Production Simulation. The AGV receives its driving commands from the central control unit of the AgileProduction Simulation in the industry standard VDA 5050. The AGVuses a fi schertechnik 8.4V 1800mAh battery pack as its power supply.When the battery reaches a defi ned low level, the AGV automatically moves to the integrated charging station. The additional AGV canonly be operated in conjunction with the Agile Production Simulation.
Software- The programmes in Python are already loaded onto the controller of the AGV. The MQTT protocol is also used for communication.
- All source codes are also freely available on GitHub.