STEM Statics

Statics for secondary school

Why is a triangle so important in the world of statics? Where do we encounter it everywhere in everyday life? These and other static principles are explored simply and comprehensibly with fischertechnik STEM Statics using practical model examples. Topics such as compressive and tensile forces as well as forces in the equilibrium of bodies at rest are addressed. The results of the practical experiments can be measured and checked using the included spring balance. The pupils internalize physical ways of thinking and working with a lot of fun and a spirit of discovery and consolidate what they have learned in the long term.

Number of students
2-4 per kit
Learning objectives
Understanding the basic principles of statics in a fun and interactive way
Time required
Each task contains detailed time information for lesson structuring
Grade level
Secondary level

Topics and learning objectives


Further information


Introduction to the topic
Curriculum requirements