Smart Robots Max

Build and program your own robots!


We're delighted that you've chosen the "Smart Robots Max" construction kit from fischertechnik. With this kit, you can conduct a variety of interesting experiments and solve exciting challenges.

As you read through the accompanying materials and try out the experiments and tasks, you'll gradually learn how to control and program simple as well as complex machines and robots using the RX Controller from fischertechnik.

As is often the case with learning, you can't immediately dive into the most difficult things, even though they're usually a bit more interesting than the simpler ones. That's why we've structured the experiments and tasks so that with each new task, you learn something different that you can then apply to the next task.

So, don't worry, we start small and work our way up to the big robots together.

Now, we wish you lots of fun and success experimenting with the Smart Robots Max.

Your team at fischertechnik

Getting Started

Getting Started with Smart Robots Max: Watch the first steps in the tutorial.

General Information

Some general information

Before we can really get started with the construction kit, there are a few things you need to know. While the components we'll be working with are very robust, if they're not handled correctly, they can potentially be damaged.



As you surely know, many components of the Smart Robots Max operate with electrical power. And when it comes to things involving electricity, it's especially important to avoid making mistakes. Therefore, always carefully follow the construction manual when it comes to wiring electrical components.

Under no circumstances should you connect the positive and negative poles together, causing a short circuit. This could damage the RX Controller or the battery.


Robots, the artificial human?

What do you think of first when you hear the word "robot"? Have you ever seen a robot? In movies or on TV? Or maybe even in real life? There are countless different types of robots. Some look a bit like a human, while others consist of just one or more arms. So, what exactly makes a robot a robot?

In the lexicon, it says: "Robots are stationary or mobile machines that perform predetermined tasks according to a specific program."


Robotics, (almost) everything automated

So, robots are machines controlled by a program. And this control of machines (or in our case, models) is what we call "ROBOTICS".

With the "Smart Robots Pro," you can wonderfully delve into this topic. Because the construction kit contains everything you need to build and control many different machines.

You can create the programs to control the models on your PC using the ROBO Pro Coding software, and then transfer them to the RX Controller via USB or Bluetooth connection. The controller then "controls" and operates the model according to the programming you have created.

Component explanations

What´s included in the construction kit

First of all, you'll find numerous fischertechnik building blocks, as well as motors, lights, and sensors, along with a colored construction manual for building the various models.

Once you've unpacked all the building blocks, you'll need to assemble some components first before you can get started (e.g., cables and connectors). The exact ones to assemble are described in the construction manual under "Assembly Tips." It's best to do this first thing.



Actuators are all components that can perform an action. This means that when they are connected to an electrical current, they become "active" in some way. Usually, you can see this directly. A motor rotates, a lamp lights up, etc.


The Mini-Motor is an electric motor that is exactly as long and as high as a fischertechnik building block. Additionally, it is very lightweight. This allows you to install it in places where there is no room for the larger motors.


The gearbox included in the kit fits precisely onto the Mini-Motor. The Mini-Motor is designed for a supply voltage of 9 volts and a maximum current consumption of 0.3 amperes.


One LED is included in the kit. It can be used, for example, as a signal light or as a blinking light on a robot.

When connecting the LED to the power supply, you must pay attention to the correct polarity. The positive terminal must be connected to the LED at the + marking.



Sensors are somewhat the counterparts to actuators. Because they do not perform actions, but rather respond to specific situations and events. For example, a button responds to a "press" by allowing or interrupting an electrical current. A temperature sensor responds to the temperature in its environment.

Push Button

The push button is also called a touch sensor. When the red button is pressed, a switch is mechanically flipped, allowing current to flow between contacts 1 (middle contact) and 3. At the same time, the contact between terminals 1 and 2 is interrupted. This allows you to use the push button in two different ways:

As a "normally closed" configuration:
Contacts 1 and 3 are connected. Button pressed: Current flows. Button not pressed: No current flows.

As a "normally open" configuration:
Contacts 1 and 2 are connected. Button pressed: No current flows. Button not pressed: Current flows.

Gesture Sensor

RGB Gesture Sensor 6-pin. Measurements: Color (RGB), ambient brightness, distances up to approx. 15 cm, gesture recognition in 6 directions. You can find a detailed description in the model programming "Twilight Switch".


The infrared line sensor is a digital sensor for detecting a black line on a white surface with a distance of 5 - 30 mm. It consists of two transmitting and receiving elements.

Software ROBO Pro Coding

"A graphical programming interface" means that you don't have to "write" the programs line by line by hand, but instead you can visually assemble them using graphical symbols. 

How to create such a program exactly is described in detail in the chapter "Getting Started".

RX Controller

The RX Controller is the heart of this construction kit. It controls the actuators and evaluates the information from the sensors. For this task, the RX Controller has numerous ports to which you can connect the components.

The controller features:

  • 8 inputs for sensors
  • 4 outputs for actuators
  • Connection for power supply or battery
  • 2 negative outputs
  • 1 positive output
  • 2 external connectors for I2C sensors, e.g., gesture sensor
  • 1 USB port
  • 1 power on/off button
  • 1 button for Bluetooth activation

How the controller interacts with each component and what each component should do is determined by the program you create in the ROBO Pro Coding software.

Power Supply

Because many of the components of the Smart Robots Max operate with electricity, you'll naturally need a power supply. In the construction kit, the fischertechnik battery holder for 6 AA batteries is included for this purpose. The batteries themselves are not included in the kit. Open the battery holder and insert 6 AA batteries. Pay attention to the correct polarity. The marking on each battery compartment shows you how to insert each battery correctly.

A few tips

Experimenting is most fun when the experiments work. That´s why you should follow a few basis rules when building the models:

  • Work carefully.
    Take your time and carefully follow the construction manual for the model. If you have to look for a mistake later, it will take much longer.
  • Check the mobility of all parts.
    When assembling, always check if parts that are supposed to move can do so easily.

    Before you start writing a program for a model, you should test all parts connected to the RX controller using the interface test of ROBO Pro Coding. How to do this exactly is explained in detail in the "Getting Started" chapter of the task description "Optical Illusion" and in the corresponding video.