Model 11: Ticket control

I need music! Let me in!


7 - 10
Time required
2 double hours
Difficulty level
Model: easy, Programming: hard
Model type
Mobile device, can be positioned individually and used flexibly for ticket inspections


The pupils (SuS) plan and implement a ticket control system that regulates access to a music event using colored tickets. When the colors blue, yellow or green are detected by an integrated sensor, the system switches on a green LED (access permission) or flashes a red LED (access denied). The green LED switches off again after a preset time, the red LED then shows a continuous light.
Differentiation options: either modify the program so that only two colors allow access, or add an orange LED to the model (ready for operation).


The automatic triggering of a process has a strong motivational effect on pupils. The physical quantity “color” can be grasped quickly and by anyone. Two possible additions to the basic task allow the topic to be individualized. The topic could be integrated into pre-vocational orientation with regard to information technology professions. Here, automated switching is used in many areas by recording physical variables. The detection of movements in particular is becoming increasingly important in many areas of information technology, e.g. in gesture control.

Key questions

  • Where can automatic ticket control be used in everyday life? (Communication)
  • What functions does the system need to fulfill? (Collaboration)
  • Under what conditions should the system allow or deny access? (critical thinking)
  • What needs to be considered so that the system can be used at different locations and functions as robustly as possible? (creativity)

Subject reference


Programming basics, time loops, RGB color model
Stable construction, construction technology, component arrangement
Light, color
Light colors for plant growth

Lesson progression


Introduction phase
Planning phase
Construction phase
Programming phase
Experimentation and test phase
Final phase


Information and notes


Methodical and didactic material


Differentiation options

The following differentiations are possible with additional teaching time. These promote the 4K skills, but are not instructed in the app:

  1. Modification of the program so that only two colors allow access. Here, the pupils have to reorganize the existing program, which has been worked out in small steps, in a somewhat more demanding way on their own. They can also decide which colors allow access and which block access.
  2. Extension of the model with an additional LED. In this extension, the Pupils should independently integrate an additional LED and modify the programming so that the orange LED indicates operational readiness, the green LED lights up when access is permitted and the red LED lights up when access is denied.

Motivational aspects

All pupils are familiar with the topic of ticket control and corresponding applications from everyday life.


Additional material

  • If available, pictures of ticket control machines can be presented to introduce the topic.
  • If necessary, drawing media (paper, whiteboard or projection screen).

Functions of the model and their technical solutions


Functions of the sensors/actuators



Technical solutions


Detecting a color


Evaluating the signals on the gesture sensor



Light output



Illumination of the green and red LEDs


Differentiation 1



Reprogramming the system


Differentiation 2: additional display



Installation and configuration of an additional LED

Material list







1 RGB gesture sensos



  1. Color recognition blue, yellow, green, red
  2. Triggering the switching process



1 button



Limit switch for gear motor 1


1 button 



Limit switch for gear motor 2


1 Reed contact



Signal for gear motor 2








1 LED, green



Display Access permitted


1 LED, red



  1. Ready for operation (continous light)
  2. Display access denied (flashing light)


Differentiation 2: 1 LED, orange



Ready for use
