STEM Coding Max

Action-oriented and problem-oriented constructing and programming in secondary education

Using twelve everyday models and independently realizable tasks, students learn step-by-step and problem-oriented ways to implement exciting tasks from the field of information technology. With the help of an easy-to-use controller, a range of practical sensors and actuators, an intuitive Scratch app, and high-quality functional fischertechnik components, secondary school students solve tasks that they are familiar with from their own lives. Through the action-oriented and problem-oriented learning approach, students develop professional, methodological, personal, and social competencies at different levels.

Number of students
1-3 per kit
Learning objectives
Gain knowledge of the basics of computer science and robotics, understand the functioning of actuators and sensors
Time required
All tasks can be completed in 1–2 double lessons
Age group
Secondary level 1
Curriculum reference

The references to educational plans/core curricula are based on the Common Reference Framework for Natural Sciences, Computer Science, and Technology (GeRRT). This framework forms the basis for cross-regional comparability of technical competencies, as well as for the development of corresponding curricula, the creation of textbooks, the conception of school teaching materials, and the development of extracurricular teaching and learning concepts.

The common reference framework is divided into five areas of competence. These areas form the basis of the projects:

Understanding Technology:

  • Analyze and understand a complex technical system functionally, hierarchically, and structurally.
  • Recognize, through a simple example, that every technological development and use of technology has consequences for society.

Using Technology:

  • Select a typical everyday technical system appropriately based on relevant technical criteria.
  • If necessary, adequately analyze the malfunction of the technical system and identify and implement possible steps to solve the problem.

Developing Technology:

  • Divide a technical problem into sub-problems through needs analysis and situational analysis, and assess the technical feasibility of the sub-problems.
  • Develop or further develop appropriate solutions for sub-problems, even based on existing solutions.
  • Develop plans for sub-solutions by adapting existing plans or creating your own sub-solutions, including using digital tools.
  • Implement the overall solution using the sub-solutions with the necessary (including digital) tools, devices, materials, and machines.

Evaluating Technology:

  • Evaluate a simple technically influenced situation based on individual criteria.

Communicating Technology:

  • Obtain technical representations and evaluations of the technical system in a targeted manner.
  • Read and understand an existing technical description and instructions for the system in language and/or images.
  • Describe the technical system with standard-oriented technical representations, as well as your own technical solutions, using technical language appropriate to the audience.

Getting Started

Didactic supplementary material​

Entry-level models

Didactic material

Model 1: Roxy

Didactic material

Model 2: Action Timer

Didactic material

Model 3: Yard light

Didactic material

Model 4: Distance meter

Didactic material

Modell 5: Bookstand

Didactic material

Model 6: Automatic door

Didactic material

Model 7: Cleaning robot

Didactic material

Model 8: Candy machine

Didactic material

Model 9: Gripping machine

Didactic material

Model 10: Plotter

Didactic material

Model 11: Ticket control

Didactic material
