Model 4: Distance measurer

Measuring and surveying


Time required
2-4 double hours
Difficulty level
Modell: medium, Programmierung: medium to hard
Model type
mobile device for distance measurement for near and distant targets


The pupils (SuS) plan and realize a portable rangefinder. The device should be usable for small and medium distances. Three colored LEDs display the distance measured by the device in the form of colored pulses (units, tens and hundreds). The data can be displayed again after the counting process using another button. The displayed values are added together by the user to form a total distance. The device resets itself when a new measurement is taken. Shorter or longer distances can also be measured by simply redesigning or reprogramming the device. As a challenging differentiation task, the pupils can work on reading in, temporarily storing and redisplaying the measurement results by pressing a button.


Recording and outputting distances is not an unfamiliar topic for pupils, as is counting using a pulse generator (this is usually familiar from the bicycle speedometer). The effect of the pulse generator can even be observed in small children's toys (e.g. a wobbling duck).

The topic provides a good basis for pre-professional orientation in the field of coding. This is becoming increasingly important in many modern (technical) professions.

Key questions

  • Where are distance meters used in everyday life? (Communication)
  • How or with which simple technical means can a distance be measured? (Communication)
  • What problems can occur during use? (critical thinking)
  • How must the distance meter be constructed in relation to the housing and the associated programming (distance to the measuring device) in order to record exact measuring points? (creativity and collaboration)

Subject reference

Computer sience
Basics of programming, time loops
Conversion factors, conversion of number from different systems
Construction technology, gear theory
Route, distances

Lesson progression


Introduction phase
Planning phase
Construction phase
Programming phase
Experimentation and test phase
Final phase


Information and notes

Methodical and didactic tips

Didactic note

Due to the complexity of the model, it is recommended that the way meter is only worked on at the end of the respective learning unit. The programming skills required are quite complex, and the knowledge on which the programming is based (see Programming skills) should already have been learned and applied in other models. For this reason, there are no step-by-step programming instructions in the part for pupils; the primary calculation of the measurement factors and the subsequent conversion of numbers from different number systems are relatively demanding for pupils. For this reason, the Ss section focuses on the necessary conversions and pulse/edge control. 

Differentiation options

  • The LEDs can be provided with markings on labels to make it easier to read the units. The starting position on the wheel can also be marked with a colored marker.
  • If required, smaller distances or longer distances can be measured by changing the programming or hardware.
  • The measurement results can be temporarily stored in a variable. Using a conversion algorithm, the measured values can then be recoded into multiples of 2, 10 and 100 by querying the measured value and displayed by means of an LED after pressing the second button. This program is very complex due to the recoding, divisions with remainder, use of counting variables and the necessary call of a subroutine and should only be given to advanced pupils as a differentiation task.


  • The distance meters with the greatest measuring accuracy should be determined in a practical application under competitive conditions. 
  • Various measurements of known and standardized distances, e.g. 400 m race track on the sports field, can be carried out. 

Motivational Aspects

Recording analog data, converting it into digital data and outputting the results is highly motivating for pupils. Converting one quantity into another presents a certain challenge. The topic provides a good basis for coding, which is becoming increasingly important in many professions.


Additional materials

If necessary, use a real object to introduce the topic:

  • Visual aids in the form of simple rollers or wheels to show the distance covered in one revolution.
  • If necessary, various commercially available distance meters that can be triggered manually, e.g. bicycle speedometer with Hall sensor. 
  • Optional: Drawing media (paper, whiteboard or projection surface)

Funktions of the model and their technical solutions

Function of the distance meter


Technical solution


Start of the measurement process



Travelling the distance to be measured


Recording a distance/path



Pulse generator on the counter wheel outputs data


Output of the measured distance "4 cm"



Color output of the green LED


Output of the measured distance "16 cm"



Color output of the yellow LED


Output of the measured distance "64 cm"



Color output of the red LED


Output result



Output of the LED by pressing the button


New measurement


Restart the system

Material list








1 impeller on a shaft


Detection of the disctance 1


1 button



Pulse counter


Differentiation 4: 1 push-button 



Intermediate storage and later retrieval of measurement results via 2nd button









1 LED, green



Output for 2² units, e.g. 4 cm or multiples thereof

Differentiation 2:

Units of 2, e.g. 2 cm or multiples thereof

Differentiation 3:

Display of the measurement results for multiples of 2 cm



1 LED, yellow



Output for units of 2⁴, e.g. 16 cm or multiples thereof

Differentiation 2:
Units of 10, e.g. 100 cm or multiples thereof

Differentiation 3:
Display of the measurement result for multiples of 10 cm



1 LED, red



Output of units of 2⁶, e.g. 64 cm or multiples thereof

Differentiation 2:

Units of 100, e.g. 100 cm or multiples thereof

Differentiation 3:
Display of the measurement result for multiples of 100 cm



Differentiation 3:
Gearbox on the shaft



Enlargement of the possible measurement paths / measurement results

